
Love ItLove It

From Sunny Am to Sudden Pouring Rain at 2

Friday, 12.6.19

Today, I woke up early enough to take out the trash. Then, I got ready for yoga class at the gym. It was a beautiful sunny and warm morning. I did some errands before I went, such a stopping by at the bank and then going to the gas station. The parking lot was very crowded, more crowded than usual, probably for the holidays. The outdoor mall was filled with activities and people. 

After one hour of yoga, I walked through the mall, window shopping. I noticed many new cars were promoted at the mall, such as Karma, Romero, and Tesla. I stopped by the two Tesla cars because they were electric cars to check them out. They are interesting. It has a very mininal and clean design inside the car. The gear change is with the steering wheel, and there is a medium-sized monitor for road assistant maps. I noticed there is no engine. There are two small back and front trunks. I took a snapshot from the outside. 

Then, I went to the parking lot. As I was driving home, it started to rain, mostly light sprinkles. As soon as I arrived home, it turned to pouring rain and cloudy sky. 

I hope it stops soon because I want to go grocery shopping for myself. I did my grocery list because I am more organized when I have a list. It is already 3:07 pm. I think tonight’s walking meetup might be cancelled, unless it stops within the next three hours. 


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