
Church With No Walls (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO) by Noah Cleveland


I live in a very small community. We don’t have any churches, schools, well I guess we have a gas station.  I live in  town with a gas station. There are people here who are very religious and from all faiths.  It is not something that is so prominent, as everyone who attends some kind of service has to leave our area. 

Last week there was a picnic at the park. (Oh! we have a very small park with a slide, climbing thing, monkey bars and picnic tables.) There is always music and this particular song came blaring out at the picnic. We actually quieted down and listened because it was different.

My atheist neighbor looked at me with a little distain. I smiled and gave him a hug. I whispered “I have never heard this song before and I find it welcoming. No one here has ever tried to make you change or shown you any disrespect. To me it seems silly to let your beliefs become a wall. We don’t build one around you. I guess it”s all your choice”.

Do you get it?


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter