Hello I got a story for you that may put a smile on your face. Me and my wife was always talking about having her kids for Christmas and praying to God that one day she would get to see them and one day I was working my butt off and got a text message saying we need to talk I’m thinking ok am I in trouble or what I do know because when I get that saying we need to talk don’t always mean a good thing. So I finished up my work and came home to a nobody home I’m like ok will just wait maybe she stepped out for a minute or 2. I hear a very familiar voice mom,dad I’m back!! Freaking out because I knew that voice from somewhere and my wife comes up to the door and says hello I’m like that wasn’t you messing with me was it? She said NOW!! And out pops my step daughter honey I’m back!! I almost passed out from shock that was the best Christmas present anyone can hope for!! Thumbnail picture explained it all!!!

in Lifestyle
Thumbnail picture explained it all
Wow that does sound like an amazing Christmas.