
Childhood Habits that Can Help You Lose Weight Today

If you think that re-embracing your childhood habits in order to lose weight seems silly, boy, are you wrong! In fact, these can be quite effective, so keep on reading, check them out, and see what you can do for your health today!

Always eat at the table, not in front of the TV or a computer

Even though eating at the dining table has lost its traditional value, the fact is that it can combat obesity related to eating in front of the TV or a computer. Some experts even claim that families who eat dinner in the kitchen or dining room together tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI), as well as that those parents with a higher BMI are more likely to eat with the television on. Of course, you should be the role model and shape your kids’ behavior, which is why you shouldn’t expect them to eat at the table while you’re eating your dinner in front of the TV. It’s about time you ditched that bad habit and established healthy eating habits everyone will be glad to embrace. Apart from helping you control your weight, these will allow you to bond with your family even more, which is a truly priceless thing.

Manage portion sizes with the help of kids’ plates

If your kids love having their famous tea parties and picnics on the kitchen floor, you should look up to them and check out the sizes of plates and bowls they’re using. Even though they eat and drink imaginary foods and beverages out of those, they are actually a great example of portion size control which is highly likely to result in weight loss. Needless to say, the regular plates we use on a daily basis are a lot bigger than those meant for kids, which also means that we’re piling more and more food onto them and eating way more than we actually need. In order to stop that, be sure to get a set of new, smaller plates and bowls and use them instead of your regular ones –even those with Peppa Pig and Disney characters on them are fine! You’ll notice that you’ll feel satisfied but not stuffed, which is an important step towards improving both your health and your waistline!

Hop on your bike and get moving…

Kids are naturally much more active and curious than adults, which is exactly why they’re constantly on the go, trying to explore their environment and discover new things. We reckon that your kids absolutely adore riding a bike, so why wouldn’t you hop on your bike, too, and join them in their adventure? Trust us when we say that it’s a fantastic opportunity to spend quality time with your little ones while doing something good for yourself and your health. The whole family will get a chance to have fun in the fresh air, which is a truly amazing experience you shouldn’t overlook. Besides that, cycling promotes weight loss by burning between 400 and 1000 calories per hour, depending on the intensity and your weight, so be sure to take this activity into consideration if you need to shed a few extra pounds. However, if you don’t have a bike of your own, be sure to check out a great online bike store and pick one according to your needs and personal preferences. One thing is certain – you won’t regret investing your money in a quality bike!

… Or give roller skating a try one more time

On the other hand, if you’ve always been a huge fan of roller skating, but you’re actually afraid to give it a try one more time – don’t worry at all because you can’t make a mistake with it! Even though people think of it as an activity meant exclusively for kids, the truth is that millions of adults can be spotted strolling along the sidewalks all over the globe, too. It’s a fantastic cross-training exercise simply because it’s equivalent to jogging in terms of developing leg strength, reducing body fat, and other health benefits in general. It’s also good for the mood, which is why kids love it, and it can also improve your balance, agility, and coordination. Does it get better than that? Well, it actually does, as unlike jogging, roller skating is easy on your knees and joints!

Incorporate a healthy snack into your everyday diet

We also have to mention a healthy snack, which is an important part of every child’s everyday diet – especially in the early years of life, when children are still developing. Incorporating such a snack into your diet is a great step if you want to lose some weight in the long run, too, as it will keep you full and therefore prevent from overeating when dinnertime comes. Of course, fresh fruits and veggies are the best possible choice, so do your best to munch on them together with your kids. Apart from consuming a good amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, you’ll give your kids a nice example of how to establish healthy eating habits in the blink of an eye. So, the next time you feel hungry between the meals, just grab an apple or make a healthy smoothie instead of eating cookies or something similar, and you’ll do it right!

As you can see, there are some childhood habits that can help you lose weight even today, when you’re all grown up, so make sure to give them a try once again and re-embrace them as soon as possible. Trust us, you’ll absolutely love the outcome!


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Written by Audrey