<a href="http://hrscene.com/community/chesapeake-community/chesapeake-deputy-wins-4-medals-in-world-police-and-fire-games/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
The holiday season can be a blessing to many people who share the Christmas season with their loved ones.
The holiday season can also be depressing for many senior citizens who live by themselves during this period of time due to their relatives no longer being around to be with them due to unforeseen circumstances.
However the Chesapeake County Sheriff’s Office is doing their part to cheer up senior citizens in their county by delivering more than 100 bags of food and drinks to lonely senior citizens which is a wonderful deed that the police do for the citizens that are serving and protecting their local communities in Virginia.
The reaction of the persons receiving the gifts from the deputies of Chesapeake County has been wonderful all parties involved.
The Chesapeake County Sheriff’s Office has been delivering food and drinks to the people during the Christmas holidays in their community that really need it for the last 30 years.
The deputies of Chesapeake County do this good deed in their community not to get any free publicity. They perform these wonderful deeds during Christmas since they know the old saying which is “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
It is a shame that the mainstream media does not share the kind deeds that law enforcement officers do in their communities during the Christmas holiday season.
The holiday season can also be depressing best doctor near me in new york for many senior citizens who live by themselves during this period of time due to their relatives no longer being around to be with them due to unforeseen circumstances.
Life style of the composure is followed for the execution of the decisions for the individuals. The start of the agency and top essay writer is approved for the benefits for the rest of the community in the compact and ideal nature for the citizens.
Such feel good stories you are sharing, thank you!
Thank you Carol DM. One my relatives told me to try to write blogs of feel good stories for a change instead of crime stories.