

In today world, education has become an integral part for anyone looking for a secured future. Getting an education can be expensive but has showed to be worth the hassle. Education is not about accumulating random knowledge but to invest time and effort in focusing on a skill, trade, subject or faculty.

This generation is highly accessible to education since, with time, the system evolves and improves. Education may be readily available but some persons fail to achieve enrollment due to numerous factors such as finances or prerequisite requirement. Education not only affects future job security but also the general IQ of a population increasing cognition.

Some parts of the world have attached a somewhat negative connotation to education. This refers to some places where education is only pursued by the wealthy and affluent but notion should be shunned since numerous scholarships are available, however that may be the case in some places. Some persons think also that pursuing an education means that you have to give up enjoying young life but as i previously mentioned, education somewhat ensures a secure future to some extend.


What do you think?

Written by valenciaiglesia

laespañola #hijadeunRey?
Future so bright, its already burning your eyes!
Believer, Future MD, writer, optimist?


  1. It’s always a good thing to get a good education. Nowadays it’s so much more easier as an adult to carry on learning and get degrees and a good education.
