
A tale of two watches

I never wear a wristwatch – due to being allergic to metal against the skin. Instead, i buy a cheap Casio watch, cut the strap off, and keep the watch in my left trouser pocket.

Some months ago my watch went missing. I looked everywhere that I thought it could possibly be and eventually came to the conclusion that it must have fallen out of my pocket while I was out somewhere and therefore been lost for ever. I had no choice but to buy a new watch.

I know the old adage that the best way to find something you’ve lost is to buy a replacement, but on this occasion it did not prove to be true – or so I thought.

This morning I was in my office – officially the spare bedroom, but now full of my books and other bits and pieces! – and I spotted a watch on the floor just behind my chair. “OK”,  I thought, “I must have dropped it the last time I was in here”. I therefore slipped it into my left trouser pocket.

When I next wanted to know the time I reached into my pocket – and pulled out two watches!

I can only think that either the cat or the dog had been in the office and hooked it out from somewhere that was otherwise inaccessible – presumably where it had been ever since I dropped it months ago.

I often curse the animals for going into the office and causing landslides of books and papers, but on this occasion I’m prepared to let them off!

You will see that the two watches tell different times – that’s because the one on the left – the newly recovered one – is still showing British Summer Time!


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Written by Indexer

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