Saturday, 4.28.19
I started my morning at the Spring Garden Show at the Garden Terrace Patio. Luckily, my yoga mat was with me in my car because of my gym workouts. I took it out of my car and met 20 other people between Macys and a café. The Lululemon yoga instructor led us through a vinyasa flow routine, which was relaxing and rejuvenating. While doing yoga on the stone ground, I realized that a yoga workout seems more effective on earthy material and outdoors instead of doing yoga inside. The cool morning fresh air felt good, as well. And, there were three cute ducks in the modern fountain behind us. By the end of the working, sales people from Macys were waiting to pass out coupons. I went into the Macys Starbucks to get a complimentary Grande coffee, and I walked towards the Garden Show event to browse. At 11 am, I went into the Macys Home Store’s cooking school to check out another cooking demonstration. Filipino Chef Ross Pangilinan from Terrace by Mix Mix demonstrated three recipes. I took notes because I plan to do a vegan version on my own. I sampled some of the vegetarian part of the recipes, often picking out the meat ingredients. I also sampled green tea and some small cookies. I also checked out seminars about African Violets, Vertical Gardens and Living Walls, and indoor gardening. The 4:30 pm seminar was cancelled. So, at 5 pm, I decided to go home.
I also took some snapshots of artistic inspiration for blogging and ideas. I will later write detailed posts on each seminar for interested people.
Another lovely photo from the garden show.