Arches were used already in ancient times, even before our era – churches, estates and houses of rich people were decorated with them. Over time, people learned to decorate them, so in our times arches have acquired new applications, rich decoration and various shapes. Although its story is long lasting, the arches are very quick and easy to use in any style of home. They are likely to continue to be popular in the future.

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Arch is a magical invention. They have a kind of charm, pathos, mysticism. This intelligent engineering design is based on complex mathematical calculations. Since the beginning of the times, the arch has remained almost the same. Only technology changed, appeared new building materials, calculation formulas. However, the characteristic of arch – bow – has remained.

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The Greeks did not build the arches, but the Romans were the opposite. Just look at the famous Roman aqueducts or Coliseum. In the Roman architecture, the arches were of tough lines and heavyweights. In a Gothic – lightweight as a lace, sharp like a boom. In the modern era, an elliptical arch emerged. However, they began to spread only when reinforced concrete was used in the construction, because it only can withstand the load caused by the structure.

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The arch in the interior is used as a decoration. The hole in the wall and the ark do not differ from each other constructively. After all, the arch is a wall hole, only having a certain finish or created according to a certain style. We can find any style’s arches in architecture of all. And this gives the architect wide possibilities: first of all, the ability to create a variety of styles – from classics to modern.

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Today, the arc in the interior is no surprise. Frequently, if people are repairing the apartment, they are wondering if a small ark should be placed between the living spaces. Arch is precisely the tool that gives you the opportunity to get rid of the door and see the entire space.

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The arch has to have its own “face”, giving the space of the apartment some emotions and atmosphere. Arch has its shapes and purpose, the same as other elements of the interior.

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It is difficult to list all the functions performed by the arches, because they are as many as the interior design options. The arch denotes the boundaries of the two zones, but its task is not to isolate them from one another, but rather to visually combine.

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Architects strive to avoid stereotypes in space planning precisely with the help of arches. The arches in modern apartments have become irreplaceable, as only they can provide such visual spaces and, at the same time, combine them. For instance, installed arch between living and the hallway eliminates doors and creates a sense of space integrity.

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Such passage will look great between the kitchen and the dining room. Here the arc function is the transition from one room to another without obstacles.

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It is hardly possible to list all variations and cases of use of arches between the premises, the main thing is to rely on the architect or your imagination, and then new interior details – arches – can help to change the most unexpected places of accommodation. Any boundary created at home by the installation of an arch may be highlighted by its width or height, in other words geometry. Arc shapes are quite different. It is important to decide at the outset what form of arch your premises are needed – passive or active.

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Passive arches include simple, not complex structure arches. On the contrary, for active arches are arches of various, mostly non-standard, complex shapes, overlooking several rooms in the house. The complex, active arches is a decorative element in itself, and on the other hand, decorative arches directly depend on the idea of a common interior design.

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Decoration of the arches, their shape depends on the wishes of the owners. Even an arc made of roughly treated wood can become a stylistic element of the room’s space. Undoubtedly, the arched decor must be in line with the overall style of the dwelling. For example, if the interior of the apartment is of a modern style, then the arches should be made of wood, which can harmoniously fit with the stained glass. An example of a widespread decorative arc can be the ornament of its edge, the painting, which emphasizes the style of the room behind the arch. In other words, if you are a fan of Hi-tech style, then you should compose your arch of the same style elements as the space of the home.

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Do not stop at the already existing arches installation and decorating options. Simple classical arches do not already cause such an interest as before, but the original, richly decorated arches will always be attractive and able to surprise any aesthetes.

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Arch passes provide the opportunity to avoid solutions used in typical construction. The contours of the arches can be either arrows (pointed) or rounded. Circle-shaped holes have several basic types:
- Classical – the most common – the arch bow has a correct radius;
- Modern – arch bow is slightly made going high up;
- Romance – the bow arch in the center is straight and its ends are rounded at a certain radius;
- Elliptical – arched arc in the form of a regular or irregular ellipse.

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Arches can be monolithic – concrete, brick, gypsum and wooden (oak, beech, pine). Modern technology allows the production of any structures and any shape and length arches.
It’s beautiful, I like plaster works
so beautiful
Wow Like a OSM Home
Very nice!
amazing collection.