To decorate the balcony, you will need to put some effort, but on the other hand, it will be much more pleasant to be surrounded by a small flowering garden in those few months, while spending time in the fresh air.One of the landscaping methods, which can help approaching nature, is the greening of the balcony (flowers). Such balconies adorn any building. But it’s not only decoration – plants, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the environment, cleans and refreshes the air, improves the microclimate of the premises, protects buildings from sun rays and precipitation.

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If you want the balcony to sink all the spring and summer in the flowers, then in the autumn add tulips and narcissus bulbs in the pots or boxes, which in early spring will open the season. When you are planting the balcony, you can use biennial plants and perennials.

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When you are adding greenery to the balconies, one must pay attention to the general view of the buildings, their purpose, the color of the walls, the illumination, and the vertical elements of the planting. Residential buildings are best suited for complex landscaping – one or all of the balconies and terraces. Taking into account the color scheme of the whole house, it is best to construct the boxes in the same places on all balconies.

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Growing flowers in the boxes on a balcony, you can turn it into a green arbor, and create a miniature flower garden under each window – a bright, colorful and sparkling aroma.

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Flowers are a living organism with certain light, temperature and humidity requirements. Because plants that grow on the balconies often are not protected from bad weather, it is better to plant one-year flowers, and even indoor plants can be taken out to the balcony during warmer seasons. It is best to plant those types of plants that do not require very careful care The balcony on the south or southwest side of the house is the optimal option, because most of the plants are fond of light.

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Usually, the depth of the boxes is 20 – 25 cm, and the length, depending on the needs, can be any. The boxes need to be filled with a ground of good quality and watered with settled water in the morning and in the evening. They should be fertilized with trace elements every 10 days, and the soil should be hoed after each watering.

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Depending on the location of the boxes intended for plant growth, a plan for a few landscaping of balconies can be drawn up. On big balconies, boxes are better to be laid on the ground to the inside side, and on ordinary balconies, boxes should be better placed on the railing of balconies.

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Although there are not many places on the balcony, on the walls, on the windows or behind them, using different fastening elements, it is possible to find places for many plants. In the long balconies, individual vertical panels can be installed.

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Depending on where the flower boxes are fastened, suspended or built, they can be wooden or plastic, stacked or suspended. For coloring wooden boxes, it is best to choose one of the following colors: green, lilac, yellow, green, blue, light blue, bluish green. The special baskets or ceramic plant pots with hanging plants in the balconies looks attractive.

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The attractiveness and beauty of any flowering balcony depend first of all on the intelligent selection of plant species and the correct setting of flower pots. Do not panic if your balcony is small, you can still very well handle it, and the balcony or terrace can be glazed (this will increase the area of the terrace, warm the balcony and protect the plants from wind, atmospheric precipitation, and dust).

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It is true that you will not be able to install a full winter garden on the balcony because to create a winter garden, you must adhere to certain conditions: the room must be on the south side and have a large glazing area, the roof should also be glass. It is therefore ideal when the winter garden is specifically planned just after starting the design of the building. From the beginning, it should be decided whether it will be a greenhouse, which will house indoor plants or a resting place.

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Take a look at the entire area of the balcony, because there may be a little more space than you thought from the beginning. In addition to the window, there is also a balcony floor – it is possible to build boxes with the largest and heaviest plants that grow into shrubs, as well as high crops that are not suitable for planting in raised boxes.

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It is best to put the pots in the sideways or in the center line, depending on the boxes above, but they should not be too much. If there can be fastened not large shelves along the balcony trays, multi-story flowers garden can be created n them. On top of the shelf, you can plant such plants that require a lot of sunlight, and below are the places where less intensive crops are planted.

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Additional space is also provided by a well-strengthened vertical rack or “multi-story” shelf. If possible, it is not necessary to restrict the balcony or terrace to the one perimeter’s boxes only, with the use of hanging pots, baskets you can use off the full ceiling of your balcony.

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Oh my! With lovely gardens like these, one would never want to stay inside.
beautiful pictures, terraces are so nicely arranged, lots of flowers make them beautiful
Very Interesting Post Amazing Tips!