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Suckling pig ribs oven-a proposal for a Christmas lunch for those celebrating January 7th.

In most countries, Christmas and New Year came, and passed. But all those celebrating these holidays according to the Julian calendar are just beginning preparations for these two festive days. January 6 is Christmas Eve, and January 7. is Christmas. The new year is celebrated on January 13th..   By tradition, on January 6, no fat food is eaten, of animal origin, except fish. We eat beans, fish, dried fruit, vegetables …

But, on Christmas day, it’s mandatory roast. In this video you can see how to prepare pig ribs. Extremely tasty, crispy cover. Ideal for Sunday or holiday lunch. French salad served as a side dish. For those celebrating Christmas and New Year on January 7, and 13, I wish you pleasant and happy moments.


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Written by marija64


  1. That looks very tasty! Now I wish my Christmas was coming on Monday too 🙂
    Never mind, I had a good Christmas in December, but let me wish you, Marija, and all my Orthodox friends a very happy Christmas 😀