
How to Make Vegan Tuna Salad – No Fish!

I’m not vegan myself, but I have made this for friends who are, and they love it!  It’s made with things that you would never think would end up tasting like tuna, but try it, and you will be convinced!



  1. Chop garbanzo beans and artichoke hearts, medium
  2. Mix onion, celery, garbanzo beans and artichoke hearts until well combined. (you are going for a tuna-like texture)
  3. Pour mixture to a large bowl and stir in seafood seasoning, dill, garlic powder, lemon juice and vegan mayonnaise.
  4. Add dulse flakes and stir till combined.
  5. Chill for one hour or more before serving.

This “tuna” salad makes great sandwiches, or lettuce roll ups. It is also yummy with crackers or as a dip. Take it to your next party and see who notices it’s not real tuna fish. 🙂


Image Credit: Flickr


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