- ) V Neck by Vertical Sport
- ) The Diva Jean Frayed Cutoff Shorts by Old Navy
- ) Silver Glitter High Tops by GUESS?
- ) Feng Shui Black Obsidian Wealth Bracelet
I was pulled over yesterday en-route to the gym for my brake light being out. Of course I had no clue that it was out, but rarely am I pulled over, so it was curious what it was about. In situations when I feel like I will be pulled over, I reassure that I have everything up-to-date such as my driver’s license, insurance, as well as reaffirming that I do not have anything that I should not have in my vehicle. If I confirm all of those things being up-to-date, then and makes the situation feel comfortabler prior to what ever.
Have you ever woke up at 6 o’clock a.m. and wanted to do something, but then realized that there was nothing opened?. For an example, there is this restaurant I really would like to visit. In a moment I thought to myself why not get-up-and-go visit that restaurant, but once I looked at the clock it read 6:00 a.m.. Then it dawned on me that the restaurant opened at 11:00 a.m., lol.

As for this outfit I put together years ago; this version is an up-to-date version of it. The only difference is that this is fuller shot where you can see my legs and shoes. And clearly the cutoff shorts appear to be a pink’ish color versus red which doesn’t coincide well in my opinion as it did in my original due to lighting. For future pairings with these cutoff shorts, I plan to look beyond the color red.

Is a worry worrying you? I picked up this cute book from the thrift store. At some point I would like to donate it to the hospital I work with or give it to one of my patients who is a victim of worrying.
#oldnavy #chicago #cutoff #red #silver #glitter #legs #shortshorts #tattoo #summer #sexy #sexyshorts #hot #thrifted #hiphop #jean #frayed #verticalsport #vneck #obsidian #health #jewelry #genderbender #pride #queer #crossdress #lookbook #fashion #fashionblogger #fashionweek #pink
LaJenna about 2 hours ago (https://virily.com/fashion/fashion-sense-jean-frayed-cutoff-shorts/#comment-1115686)
Most people would love to look trim and healthy like yourself.
I do my best! And now being a vegan just contributes to it along with my workouts and also having the genes. I hope all is well.
LaJenna about 2 hours ago -https://virily.com/fashion/fashion-sense-jean-frayed-cutoff-shorts/#comment-1115686
Most people would love to look trim and healthy like yourself.
I do my best! And now being a vegan just contributes to it along with my workouts and also having the genes. I hope all is well.
Most people would love to look trim and healthy like yourself.
yeah, the two pictures look different. one looks pink and one looks red. bad lighting on one of the photos.
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