
Trump and Putin agreed on the restoration of relations

Helsinki: The US President Donald Trump and the Russian President met an important meeting, In which all matters, including two-way relationship restoration, were discussed on resolving diplomacy.

US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin met in Finland’s capital Helsinki, in which discussed bilateral relations with trade, military matters, nuclear weapons.

After the meeting, both the leaders also shared joint press conference on the occasion, the President of America said that there was a very constructive dialogue with Russian President Putin, In american elections, it was discussed Russian intervention in detail, and also discussed a detailed discussion on the Syrian issue. He said Russian President assured Kim Jong to meet with him and asked Russia to increase pressure on Iran.

Donald Trump said that Russia and US relations have changed now. As the President of America and American people best interest first. As the constructive negotiations with Russia have opened new ways of peace, however, there is a need for each other to help mutual problems. He said that improving the relationship between the US and Russia is in the interest of the whole world, therefore, all matters and differences will be resolved through diplomacy.

On the other hand, President Putin praised the Trump role in North Korean issue and The meeting with the US President was good, cold war ended, Working with the United States jointly and in a positive manner and there is no reason to complicate the relationship between the two countries.

Putin said the Trump allegedly alleged Russian interference in elections, but Russia never intervened in American elections, while we have strong reservation over Nuclear Deal back out of United states with Iran.


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