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(image courtesy of the Justice League movie poster)
I can honestly say that to date most of the DC movies haven’t captured my interest as well or as effectively as the Marvel movies have. It is sad to me because there was a time when the Superman movies starring Christopher Reeves, were the best in my opinion.
I did, however, promise the comic book lovers in my house that I would take them to Justice League.
There were three things that made me nervous going into this movie.
- Aquaman was going to be very different than he was in the comics.
- I was unsure about the actor playing the flash (DC has a TV version, and the actor playing Flash on the TV show is amazing)
- I wasn’t sure that Ben Affleck could play Batman.
I can honestly say that I was wrong on all three. Ben Affleck plays a good Batman. As Bruce Wayne he is amazing! Aquaman was well played, and the character does justice to the overall role. Finally, the movie flash was every bit as good as the TV flash.
My overall impression of this movie was a great DC movie. Not as good as Wonder Woman, but good.
I give Justice League a 4 out of 5.
What I could see of the movie was that was different from the late Chris Reeve’s Superman movies. At least this movie had more humor than Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice which is good.
I think DC went back to its origin for movies. The original superman movies had a great actor playing the role. DC actually cast a bunch of really good actors for Justice League. It made the entire movie stronger.
Nice to see them get one right!
That is true since D C E U have to appeal their movies to today’s audiences and it looked great.
Nice Review Doc That is Blockbuster Movie.!
Thanks Hamza, it certainly seems like one of the big ones this year.