Marvel’s Luke Cage is a Netflix web series that runs in 13 episodes for its first season. Also set in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), a third in a series of shows that will lead up to The Defenders crossover miniseries and the third series that shares in the continuity of the franchise. Produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios, this series centers on the story of Luke Cage, played by Mike Colter (Big Willie Little of Million Dollar Baby/ Colonel of Men In Black 3). Luke Cage was a former convict whose real name was Carl Lucas. He has superhuman strength and unbreakable skin that even normal bullets could not penetrate. He became a fighter of crime and has crossover role in Marvel’s Jessica Jones as Jessica Jones lover.
Also in the cast were Mahershala Ali (Remy Danton of House of Cards) as Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes, one of the main antagonists, owner of the Harlem’s Paradise nightclub and cousin of Mariah Dillard, played by Alfre Woodard (Aunt Josephine of A Series of Unfortunate Events); Simone Missick (Jade of Jinn) as Misty Knight, a Harlem NYPD detective who is determined to learn about Cage; Theo Rossi (Francisco “Ghost” Alvarez of Lowriders) as Hernan “Shades” Alvarez, one of the antagonists and a manipulative street smart criminal working for Diamondback aka Willis Stryker, played by Erik LaRay Harvey (Eric of Twister), a powerful arms dealer and a half-brother of Cage, adn the one who framed him for the crime that sent him to Seagate Prison, an isolated island asylum. Diamondback became Luke’s arch enemy in this season who manipulated and used Cottonmouth’s sister Mariah; and Rosario Dawson (Gail of Sin City) also did her crossover role as Claire Temple, a former nurse of Hell’s Kitchen where Matthew Murdock aka Daredevil lives.
Luke Cage will have its second season released next year after Netflix renewed this series last December 2016. Its first season with 13 episodes is a fresh start to know about Luke Cage’s origins. Remarkably good series to watch. A guy with a super thick skin who fights against crime is indeed a good name for Luke Cage. Nice story and actions all packed into one. Impressive!
Very informative review, will watch luke cage while eating munchkins.
Whahhaaha sure bro, make sure the Milo is not fake haha
Awesome review!
Hope u ha dfun reading my review. thanks 🙂
Great review, very detailed and written
Thanks a lot for recognizing. 🙂
Luke Cage is one of the most underrated Marvel heroes on their roster.
Maybe, but i like the story. He will have season 2 soon.
Have fun seeing the show.
Yeah thanks 🙂