Going into another battle in the story mode of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite now against Nemesis, I got the chance to learn quite a few moves with Chris Redfield while training. In fact, I am a little bit more comfortable utilizing him compared to my battle with Haggar, which I mentioned in my last writing about Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. Listed below are several of the combination moves I have learned.
Grenade toss – Down, Down, Circle
Landmine set – Down, Down, X
21 hit maximum combo – Down, Right, Up, R2
8 hit combo – Square x 8
Reload weapon – Left, Down, Right, X
10 hit shotgun blast – Left, Down, Right, Square
Smash – Left, Down, Right, Circle
Slash with pipelike weapon – Right + Square
Steam flame – Right + Triangle
Hyper overkill – Triangle + R2
Hyper overkill – Triangle + Square
Prone position – Down, Down, Square
Body ram, after standing up from prone – Down, Down, Square, Triangle
7 hit combo machine gun fire – Left, Down, Right, Triangle
Redfield, is he from Resident Evil, or…?
Yeppers! I mentioned that in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Chris Redfield https://virily.com/entertainment/marvel-vs-capcom-infinite-chris-redfield/
I read that post, but didn’t retain that info. Or perhaps I did, since it seems like I knew that but never played RE…
He did look familiar when I looked at his outfit, but it didn’t register to me thinking that he was in Resident Evil until I looked him up.
I will be doing something similar for Ghost Rider this upcoming week. I would have to do the same with Morrigan because I’m sure once I beat her she will become part of my team.
is that how it works? that’s cool and disturbing at the same time
The way it is looking that is how, so eventually I will have to get used to Morrigan’s move set.
it is a cool way to unlock the game, but has disturbing undertones…
Redfield is totally badass in this game compared to in Resident Evil