
Home Alone 1, 2, and 3 movie reviews and analysis

Sunday, December 24, 2017, on the day before Christmas

It was the day before Christmas, and I wake up like any other day, Gumby was bugging me for his breakfast and I finally got out of bed to start my day. I fed Gumby, made my breakfast, and decided to watch Home Alone 1, 2, and 3, in which I thought were interesting, especially number 3.

I woke up, ate my breakfast, and I ended up watching all three Home Alone movies. I remember the first one, in which I have actually seen in the theater, and I think the first one was the famous Home Alone. The second one was about being lost in NYC. It was OK, but I thought the Home Alone #1 was better. And, Home Alone 3 was totally differently, which involved a different family. The Home Alone kid was played by Alex Linz, and there were 3 kids in the family. His older sister was played by Scarlett Johansson and an older brother. The parents were played by different people. The criminal robbers were more high tech savvy, dressed in fashionable attire, and not as stupid as the two numbskulls from Home Alone 1 and 2. Actually, there was a group of 4 robbers working together with tiny modern gadgets that James Bond or Get Smart characters might have. They looked like modern, experienced, and prepared criminals. It was also interesting version, but I think the one with Macaulay Culkin were the classic version, especially the first one.

I turned on the computer and entered IMVU to notice a 3rd gift for the holiday, which is a Christmas tree with gifts. I placed it into my first gift holiday room, with 2nd gift couch and coffee table, as well as old items I already had. I did some rearranging of the furniture inside this room, and I decided to make this room into a studio apartment. I realized that I need to add a small bathroom and simple kitchen for a studio apartment in the city.

Which is your favorite Home Alone movie, 1, 2, or 3?

I added my IMVU snapshot of my avatar hanging out at her coffee shop for the holidays with one of her pets.


What do you think?