<a href="https://iluminasi.com/bm/5-pulau-paling-misteri-di-dunia.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
In northern Argentina there is an unusual, yet interesting island called Floating Eye Island. It is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. It was discovered by an Argentinian film maker while trying to find a perfect place for his upcoming film. There is a lake with a perfect circle shape. But that’s not all. There is an island in the lake with exactly the same shape. This island fills up the greatest part of the lake, leaving only a thin ring of water around it. The film director and movie maker was fascinated by this lake and the island inside it. He gave it the name “The Eye”. But there were some strange finding after exploring the place better.
It was found that the island was floating in the water of the lake and was rotating all over it. The water of the lake seems to be astonishingly cold while the bottom of the lake was way more harder than the rest of the ground surrounding the place.
Those findings called the attention of the director who eventually canceled the film project in order to shoot a documentary about this mysterious place. After making additional researches there were several conspiracy theories out of which the most popular is that this place covers a significant and important alien base.
Very interesting, thank you for sharing this.
I’m glad you find my article interesting! Thank you!
For the first time I hear about this mysterious island
There a plenty of such mysterious places all around the world! That’s crazy!
I really am-Elena how is your Real?
That is really interesting.
It looks unusual though
This is natural? I am having a hard time to think that this is natural. However, if it really is natural then I am really baffled. Besides that, it is visually interesting.
There are no records that it is not natural. It is unusual, indeed, that´s why they dedicated a great time on investigate it better! It called my attention and that´s why I wanted to share with you this mysterious thing
There are formations that look man made but have been proven to be naturally formed. This is obviously another one of these cases. Anyway, thanks for letting me know about this.
Wow, that is really interesting. I love stories about hidden civilizations underground, but I do not like to go into caves and the like.
For example I would love to visit this place but it somehow makes me thinks twice about the decision. Actually there are plenty of such places, unreal and unknown to the world. However it´s good to know at least that they exist
Very mysterious indeed. I doubt very much that aliens live below this island lake. Maybe it was an old geyser or volcano. Maybe there has been some type of soil erosion. If you find anything else surrounding this particular find, let Virily know (me included). Great post BTW.
I am glad you liked my post! It is very interesting! I always want to check such places! I don´t believe it has something to do with aliens, however, that´s one of the possibilities the people have cited. I´ll keep you posted if I learn something new about it!
This place is very mysterious Elena.
It looks mysterious indeed! I wish I could visit it and check it on my own! 🙂