
Fake News, False Flags & Crisis Actors

Monday, April 6, 2020

This video explains that fake news, presented as real news by the Zionist Mainstream Media, is manipulated to show you part of the story, which is often stage. CIA pay Crisis actors in false flags to promote their agenda to the public. Kids, like Greta Thunberg, are often used to promote a certain agenda.

#1 Fake News Part 2

It is also noted that 183 people have been arrested for intentionally starting the bushfires in Australia. But the Zionist media and the retard celebrity puppets continue to blame the fires on climate change. I had a feeling it was staged by someone.

No one died in Sandy Hook, noted by FBI statistics. These crisis actors just move on to the next false flag event job. The kid Noah Pozner must be a good actor. He died in Sandy Hook and in Pakistan. It appears he died for a third time, as well, and he had a different name for each false flag death.


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