Before you go about troubling your brain in reading I want you to laugh to full extent. Check this comedy literature par excellence:
Chief did not know
that after the cab fellah
he was taken in by
the hotel manager
rather brutally
Manager had cleverly
fixed chief’s daily room rental with grub
at $35 a day
while his wages for work
were pegged at $25 a day.
So at the end of first day
chief went to Manager
that he wanted a check out
so that he could board the chug
but Manager screamed
“ÿou have outstanding to clear,
how can you go thief”;
chief could count
as well as add and subtract,
an ability that made him stand above villagers,
but like city folks he could never count far
and soon he found
he was $10 in red.
Manager kicked his ass
towards kitchen
asking him to stay
and do the utensils
for the day plus he treated
his rumple plump
with the broom that
chief was to use later
to clean.
At the end of second day
chief was in red to $20
and chief failed
to understand the long term
implications of his room rent/wages game
and this was his 5th day in city
as a bonded laborer
paying off his daily
mounting debt.
On the sixth day
chief again tried a check out
when Manager told him that he owed the hotel $60
and chief was not able to understand
he was working all day
and earning bright
as yet from where
this mounting debt
came as blight;
all he could do was slant
and eye
and look sharp
at the Manager
in whom he saw,
he had suspicions,
the elder brother
of cab driver
at that his heart shook
and scared
he retraced his steps back to
smelly kitchen
to vigorously wash utensils
still thinking
how he could escape
hotel and then city!
At the end of day 10
the debt had grown to $100
and instead of chief trying to check out
the Manager called him to reception
and caught him by collar
and shaking him screamed,”
you buffoon you owe me $100
and I cannot allow you to stay
you need to pawn some stuff
of value;chief offered his wrist watch
by the end of 17th day
chief had pawned all
and was left only
with hotel laborer’s outfit.
Still the debt was mounting
each day
and in frustration
chief thought
on 20th or 21st day
he would pawn the village
and catch a chug
clearing all dues
and with a determination
never to come back
to any city
even if it was
as near as a patty pitty!