A surprising, dark thriller, whose action takes place in the middle ages. Winter of 1284; The inhabitants of Draguan, a small town in the county of Toulouse, have been terrified since the day that they dragged bodies to them. Bishop Haquin sends men upstream to investigate the crime and they return with strange news: in the midst of nauseating marshes they have discovered a ruined village, Harteloup. Nobody knows what happened to the inhabitants. The discovery awakens Rome’s interest, until a new murder, this time sacrilegious, claims its attention: now it is Bishop Haquin who appears dead in strange circumstances.
Two investigations have been opened: that of the monk Chuquet, on the hunt for the killer of the bishop, and that of the priest Henno Gui, on the circumstances that turned Harteloup into a cursed peopl. Both are two ends of a same ball that will end up revealing a series of tenebrous machinations within the high ecclesiastical spheres. Fiction and history combined with great ingenuity and narrative pulse around superstitions, obscurantism, confrontation between the Church and science, and thirst for power.
Dragging bodies does sound pretty terrifying.
Okay, sounds interesting, but what did you think of it?
Beautiful post
The poster is intriguing!
I liked the book a lot