
Samuel Beckett

Irish writer and Nobel Prize for Literature, Samuel Beckett, was born on this day in 1906. 

Samuel Beckett is with Ionesco and Genet was the main representative of the theater of the absurd, ere he opened the work of Waiting for Godot, which is based on a synthesis of nihilism and pessimism. 

He was preoccupied with the theme of disintegration of civil society, dehumanizing picture of man and the hopeless situation of unusual creatures at the end of the world and time, which symbolizes the absurdity of human existence. 

Beckett’s heroes are psychologically depersonalized, a part of the action devoid of any provision of places and spaces. Beckett philosophical nihilizam is associated with the negation of the traditional dramatic form, and its theater at the same time a kind of antiteatar. 

He lived in France and written in French, believing that a foreign language can write without style, which was his ideal. In 1969 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature 

His other works are the novel Murphy, Molo trilogy, Malone Dies, the unnameable, drama End Game, Last Tape, Games without words, Happy Days, The Game, Not me.


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