
Nadezda Petrovic (12 October 1873 – 3 April 1915) I

Came from respectable bourgeois family Nadezhda love of art manifested in childhood, with the support of parents engaged in discovering the secrets of painting. After finishing school More women passed the exam for a drawing teacher in 1892, a talent and talent continued to develop in the studio of painter Djordje Krstic. About Krstic impact on the artistic formation of young painter can not accurately speak. However, it is assumed that one of the most important painters of the national ideas of realism that seamlessly appear on his work, encourage a new generation of artists to open their doors Serbian Moderne.

Sometime later, Nadezhda their interests directed towards European capitals painting. Munich adventure capital of Bavaria, Munich, was one of the major art centers in which they were educated painters from Serbia. Unsatisfied with the work of the Munich Academy, Slovenian painter Anton Ažbe founded the school known for its liberalism, acceptance of female members and new ideas that have influenced the development of painting. The possibilities that this city provided intrigued the Nadezda Petrovic. Plan to spend it in one year, resulted in a four-year experience. Painting outside the studio, in daylight, they woke spontaneity and stressed the painter’s character. Color applied dynamic, restless strokes became the most important aspect Nadeždinog expression. Motive Bavarian landscapes painted by the intense hues of complementary colors red and green. Spry brush strokes visible in the pictures Breze, tree in the forest landscape with pine trees, will become the main feature of painter’s style, which will be characterized by expressionist and fauvistic inspirations.

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School holidays 1900, carried out in Belgrade and then organize an exhibition which for the first time Belgrade audience and critique their work represents. Cultural education improves in Munich until 1903 and then returned to Serbia rocked by the turbulent political events. Nadezhdin love for the people, the deep feelings that he had for the country and a strong temperament are directed toward political activism. That same year, the artist is one of the greatest female rally until then, held a half hour speech before several thousand women. Then he established the patriotic and humanitarian organization “Circle of Serbian Sisters” whose Nadezhda was secretary. was carried out in Belgrade and then organize an exhibition which for the first time Belgrade audience and critique their work represents. Cultural education improves in Munich until 1903 and then returned to Serbia rocked by the turbulent political events.


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