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More Than One Kind of Closet – Mitch

There are people who create their own ‘closet’ in which to ‘shelter’.   Mitch did.  

He behaves as if he is a great liberator,  a civil rights worker, a man who will die for his people.

His face is blasted on television, his words reported in the newspapers.  People who don’t know him believe he is willing to die for the various causes he espouses.

In truth, Mitch loves money.  Somehow he figured out that by playing the humanitarian gets lots of donations.  These go into his right pocket.  

His left is filled with money he doesn’t pay to those who work for him.  He always has reasons why he can’t pay his workers.

He lives in a mansion far from the eyes so that one would never know that he’s made millions of dollars by his ‘civil rights’ frauds.

He will always push himself to the front of a demonstration and say the right things.

Those who ever worked for or with him can testify to how dishonest and cruel he is.   He exploits, insults and deals with his employees as if they are slaves on his plantation.

But no one knows this, unless they get close.   Mitch is a closet slave master.


What do you think?

Written by Tall Awah


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