
Love ItLove It

Bob Marley

Musician Bob Marley was born on this day 74 years ago. So do not hurt her, do not you change it, do not analyze and do not expect more than she can give. Laugh when she makes you happy, let her know when this crazy and let you miss when he is not around.

And the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can laugh, and to make twice imagine, to recognize that the human being and that is wrong, hold on to her and give her the best I can. This means you will not think about you every second of the day, but it will give you a part of himself that he knows he can break – her heart. So do not hurt her, do not you change it, do not analyze and do not expect more than she can give. Laugh when she makes you happy, let her know when this crazy and let you miss when he is not around.


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