Here are the answers or original photographs for the quiz posted here.
The object of the game is to guess what the photos are of.
Here are the original questions/photos along with the quiz photos so you can see what they originally looked like before I tweaked them.
The first photograph was this.

The answers you choose from were. Part of Pelican, Person, Dog or Fish.
The original shows a girls feet in the water. I cropped one, and enhanced the colors brighter.

The second photo was this. The question was find what was added.

It was a Doberman Dog, shown below.

The third question was, “It is alive, what is it?”
The answers I gave were Crab, crow, cat, crawfish.
The answer is Crawfish.

The next one was this.

The answers were, Caterpillar, Catkin, Flower pistol, or Alien.
It was a caterpillar shown below.

Number 5 was this.

Was it a Lily Pad, Bubbles, Sponge or Skin Cells?
It was Bubbles.

The next one was this.

Cake, Sponge, Moon or Earth.
It was this and definitely not a sponge. : )

The next was the moth, unedited and uncropped.

Can you see it now that I circled it? The choices were, flowers, and moth or butterfly.

The next was this blue thing. The choices were Boat, Lifeguard Tower, Trash bin, or Banana.
Here is the original.

The next one was to guess what I was holding in my hand.
Sand, salt, bath powder, or drugs?
It was white sand off the Whitest Beach in the World. Pensacola Florida.

I hope you enjoyed the quiz and these photos. Here is a bonus, speaking of the whitest beaches…

Have a great day!!
Very cool, it’s always fun to see the original photos….great edits were done in this quiz!
Thank you Courtney! : D
Loved the bubbles. 🙂 And I have been to this beach many times over the years.
Thank you, can I come with you next time. Just stick me in a suitcase, make sure there are air holes. ; )