
Too Late – Nancy – 5 – (End)

It was a month after Hal left that Nancy began to examine her ;self-focus’.

She had confronted her mother thinking about herself, no one else. No matter what Jennifer would have said, Nancy would attack, insult, because it was all about Nancy.

Nancy was abandoned.  She did not need to know why or how or who; simply to find an object to hate for that abandonment.

When she returned home, it was still all about Nancy. Hal didn’t exist. She didn’t allow him into her realm.  She needed Nancy time.  She needed time to heal and process.

And she had gotten time.

It was  six weeks since Hal had left when Nancy began to appreciate what she had done.  How she had treated her husband.

Realising what she had done, Nancy decided to find Hal and speak with him.  

She called his work place.   Hal had left his job, no forwarding address and was gone.  Just gone!

Yes! Everyone had abandoned her.  

It was all about Nancy, no one else.  Now there was no one else. It was too late for her to reach out for no one would take her hand.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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