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The Ranked List Game for Wednesday ~ Wackiest finds while hiking.

This is, “The Ranked List Game”.  In these games you will be asked to choose your favorite, the funniest, the cutest, the most calming and the list goes on. Until we are safe to go out and about again. Let’s have some fun. 

The game directions:  There will be five photos to choose from. 

Pick the wackiest by commenting on the picture you choose.  

If you cannot think of something to write, just write, “I picked this one as the wackiest image.”

Have fun! 

#1 Wackiest smile from a tree…

#2 Wackiest Wicca

Yes, I stumbled upon this. Witches and Wicca. 

#3 Wackiest Barker

I named this one wackiest barker, because it scared me. It actually still barked at you when you walked by it. 


What do you think?

Written by Kim_Johnson


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