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The photographer's special "glasses" – Challenge

The first time you saw the pictures with the drops. What was your version of the supposition ?. Rain drops or dew. None of the two. Just the flower is shot in the field. The drops are made with a pulverizer. I used one of Scott Kelby’s co-founders in his book Digital Photography Part 5. It’s nice to know some things but the experience thinks it’s also a very important factor. What do you think.

I’ve also included photos of my wall decoration in my living room.

This challenge is to learn and improve our methods in photography. I’m just a lover and I do not stop searching for new ideas. That’s why I experiment at home. For photographers, they say: “They have special” glasses “to see only beauty.”Make beautiful compositions to experiment with. And to show your ideas to everyone. You can upload without limitation the number of photos. No specific topic. Show ideas

Terms of Participation:1. Post to the Challenger2. Use as a titleThe photographer’s special “glasses” – Challenge3. Use the hashtag #messageexperimentHave fun, friends.

© 2018 -Elenka Smilenova  All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

Written by lacho59


  1. Using a pulverizer is a great tip! You can even make a post about different photography tips if you have the time, I am sure it will be interesting and useful. 🙂

    • I’m not a professional photographer. I can not give advice. But what I learn as tricks used by the big photographers. I can share it.

    • I wondered how the photos were taken with lots of drops. If you want to be bigger, you spray the sprayer more times. You always have to have a cardboard in the flower that you want for the background behind the flower. I’m glad I helped you with these tips.
