
School Daze – Learning AND Acing your Exams – part 4

Here is how you study; you relax and read your Beat Book. You can do it on the beach, on a bench, on your bed. The key word is relax. Read your Beat Book as if it’s a magazine. No pressure. Read it, and think about every concept.

Visualise, where you can, and don’t memorise, think. Think about what you are reading.

Every day when you come in from class, you transcribe your notes, your homework, any research into your Beat Book. You reread it once a week.  You see if there are any lacuna, that is something is missing, something you don’t ‘get’.

Each week you reread that week.

That’s all. The week.

When there’s Xmas vac, you go back to the beginning and read up to the last entry.

When you return after the vacation, you do the one week until Spring break, and then you read from the start of the January term until the last entry.

Some schools will have an short term from after Easter until exams, sometimes covering new topics, other times reviewing.

The week before the exam you will start at the beginning of your Beat Book, go through to the last entry.

You know what is in that Beat Book. You wrote it. You relax with it. You’ve studied every day, rewriting your notes, adding the homework and authorities. You’ve studied over Xmas. You’ve studied over Easter. All you are doing now is reviewing, relaxed and easy.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar