
School Daze – learning and acing your exams – part 3

The term ‘Beat Book‘ is used for that book from which you study. In it, you have transcribed the lectures, the homework, whatever research you had to do.

When you are in class you take notes, record the lesson, use a tablet whatever.  But when you get home, you are going to transcribe these notes in your Beat Book; By Hand.

This technique can not be over emphasized. By you writing the lesson, that is re-reading the notes you made in class (or rehearing the lecture), then physically writing it down, cements it into your mind.

When you make a fancy letter or an underline, you will remember that image in the exam room.

Typed documents don’t get the kind of memory that those you wrote do. If you don’t believe me, read something, write it down by hand, then later, see if you can recall them.

Now try the same thing typing.


You will easily recall your own handwriting, because you have to think when you write. If you can touch type, you often don’t even read what you’re copying.

So, you have the lecture, the homework, any research in One Book, written by you; in your own handwriting, that is your Beat Book.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


    • In Yard we call studying ‘beating’ we ‘beat’ the books. And some of us have ‘beat books’ where we write down everything so we only have to study from that one book.