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Remarkable Predictions From A 75 Year Old Novel.

Although I should have known about the existence of this remarkable Author but somehow, I had not heard of him until just a few days ago. 

Aldous Huxley was an English literary author who is renowned for his controversial novel, Brave New World, which was published way back in 1931. Apart from writing novels, he also wrote a few travel books, poems, plays and several essays on religion, art, and sociology. He was just fourteen years old when his mother died. Aldous also suffered from an attack of Keratitis Punctata in his teenage years. and thus was totally blind for about eighteen months. However by wearing some special kind of glasses, he was able to recover his eye-sight a little and was barely able to at least read, but consequently, he decided to also learn Braille. 

Even though he had frequent bouts of near blindness, Huxley went on relentlessly with his studies at Balliol College in Oxford, where he received his B.A in English literature. He was confused whether to pursue his career as a scientist or take part in the World War. He decided to do neither and became a writer instead.


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    • Hello Maria, thank you for reading this post. I have just come across an old video where he is being interviewed about his book, “Brave New World” by an American Television presenter.
      I will include the link separately, below. Regards, Andre’
