Wife Bashing
Curtis is a lovely man. Polite, well spoken, attractive, and has never lifted a finger against his wife. Ever.
But Curtis is a wife basher.
If a woman has coffee alone with Curtis his topic is his stupid wife. He will talk as long as that woman sits there, tearing his wife to shreds.
The woman may think that he’s leading up to the standard; “my wife doesn’t understand me, you do”… precursor to an affair.
This does not happen.
Curtis never moves from bashing his wife. That is his pleasure. That is all he needs to commit adultery.
To simply desecrate his wife, verbally gives him as much pleasure as the sadist who beats his wife.
Another sad reminder of this behavior.
And many people don’t realise it; primarily the wife. She doesn’t know how he slanders her to every female ear.