
Inside of Myself – End

Honestly;  the Party was secondary to my spending time with Maxie.  My decisions, my involvement were to be with him.  

It was all done to impress Maxie.  

That the party was perfect, that my sister felt honored, that my husband was proud of my work was virtually being awarded for an accident.

Yes, it was perfect, yes I did it.  

However, what I did could have been anything, the cleaning of a cabinet that I would have arranged with the same focus as long as it put me beside Maxie.

On top of it all,  there was Bob, my husband.   There he was, staring into my face, seeing my twisting emotions. and he asks, for the first ever; “What’s wrong?”

Here comes a big lie….

“I just hope you aren’t thinking of a Party for me…”

I could see he was.

“Bob, I want to go away on my birthday, just you and me a thousand miles away.  No crowd, no public spectacle.”

“Oh…” he said, lowering his head, then;  “How about we book a cruise for a week?”

“Perfect!” I exclaimed and hugged him.

I hugged him and pretended he was Maxie.



What do you think?

Written by Tall Awah

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