
Give it Time -64

The absence of Emily Bennet had turned Monday upside down.  

Firstly, the Seniors hadn’t planned on terminating her, as Emily had assumed, they had merely wanted to show power and control.  

Although she broke their policy there was not a lawyer in the office who wouldn’t praise her ability.

Secondly, her absence from the office left them with two Juniors they had no intention of keeping.

They’d gotten rid of one after three months,  the other two had days to go before dismissal.  Emily would have been given a year’s contract if Galant hadn’t made a point of her refusal to stay late and come in on weekends.

What also annoyed the Lawyers was that  her phone was off and they couldn’t contact her.  

By Tuesday they gave up and took the loss.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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