
Can't Do Better – 9

Self protection from  people ‘who can’t do better’ is your first duty. Keep them out of your life, away from your friends and everything that matters to you.

Don’t introduce them to anyone,  save if you have already given ‘sub-titles’ which warn them.

Many people as ‘Jade’,  will try to swallow your friends, swallow your life. You can not let this happen.    

In real life the “Jade” in my story  cultivated a friend, Kevin, who knew Ms Rein who rented rooms in a very upscale  house.

Kevin related the tragic story of Jade’s parent’s house burning down to Ms Rein adding that Jade had nowhere to live.

Had Ms Rein questioned, analysed, done a bit of homework she would not have swallowed the story and never would have rented the flat to Jade.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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