
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 154

Selma Rashford Grindley had not expected to sicken and die so quickly.  

She had not imagined that she would be allowed to virtually rot in the Matron’s house as her son, Joe,  couldn’t care less.

Joe would not spend a fragment of his earnings on his meaningless mother, so she was abandoned in the Matron’s Quarters at Miriam House.

Odette, the dishonest, lazy helper, had taken the opportunity to become Selma’s ‘nurse’,  meaning she did no work.

Selma lay rotting from January to April, when she became so bad, Odette called Joe. Joe arrived, had his mother taken to the hospital, hoping she’d be dead in a day.

Unfortunately, there was medication and hospital bills.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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