
Democracy Now Reports on Latest News

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman reports on the Coronavirus update. Italy seems to be suffering the most. Germany is suffering, as well. Iran is struggling to beat this disease. Coronavirus is spreading into the UK and Northern Ireland.

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for Coronavirus…

America is making plans to limit public events seating in order to prevent large crowds spreading Coronavirus. Hence, many sporting events and other public events that attract large crowd will now likely be displayed to you on a private showing on TV and the internet, where they only audience are the family and friends of the participants in the event.

Harvey Weinstein is sentenced 23 years in prison for his sexual assault acts. The Me-Too Movement are probably celebrating.

Bradley/Chelsea Manning has attempted suicide, probably because the Zionists are continually torturing him for exposing the truth with Julian Assange on Wikileaks.


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