
Chomsky on Coronavirus & the future

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Noam Chomsky remembers similar times in 1930s, with the plague, which divided people. He feels it will get worse by deteriorating democracy, leading to nuclear war, and worsening global warming. He talks about the political situation, and the sanctions make certain countries, like Iran, suffer more. Many countries now have curfews during this lockdown.

He states that the Coronavirus is a small fraction of the situation. It has to do with a “market failure.” The Zionists are trying to collapse the economy with this Coronavirus. If they get rid of government, then the One World Govt will be tyrannical. He adds it has to do with fascist government, which is similar to Zionism.

He notes that people need to organize and work together productively for a better future.

Social isolation and distancing can be damaging.


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