
Bayer appeals for another hearing in landmark RoundUp case

Two years ago, a groundskeeper that contracted cancer from using the weedkiller obtained a ruling for $289 million (USD) against Bayer and Monsanto.  Instead of paying the settlement, Bayer and Monsanto appealed the case to a California trial judge, who lowered the damages to $78 million (USD) later on in 2018.  Instead of paying that settlement, Bayer and Monsanto appealed the case to the California appeals court, which lowered the ruling to $20.5 million (USD) last month.

The only options left were to either pay the $20.5 million (USD) or take the case to the US Supreme Court.  However, Bayer and Monsanto have still not decided to pay the plaintiff and have filed a rehearing in the California Appellate Court.  These two corporations want to have the amount lowered to $16.5 million (USD) because they believe that the plaintiff will not be able to enjoy the money because he could die at any moment due to the damage done by their own product.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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