……. Unfortunately, it happens to us all at some stage or another; using myself as an example, I have been training at gyms for many years with a combination of free weights, machines and cardio; all has gone well until very recently.
After a particularly hectic three months at work, family commitments and short periods of poor health, I found myself going to the gym less and less and on the occasions I did train, my intensity and energy levels had really dropped despite my best efforts to do my utmost.
To counter this low level of training and irregular frequency I changed from a strict DUP programme, conducted three times a week to a full body workout whenever I could make the time. This did help somewhat back still didn’t get me back in the groove.
After some soul searching, I decided to take a full break from all fitness activities (for the first time in countless years) and re-evaluate where I was in my training cycle and what I was hoping to achieve. I then started reading up on training articles and other trainers workout routines, reviewed my diet and supplementation and exercise regime.
Once all of this was in place, I composed my new training programme (2 day split), bought myself a new training log to record my days, sets and reps, organised my time, diet, supplements and headed to the gym with a refreshed attitude, enthusiasm, motivation and vigour.
Happy to say, the break seems to have done me a whole lot of good, the rest has helped my body recover and heal and with that the day to day aches and pains have diminished plus my mood heading to the gym is far more positive and upbeat than as of late.
Early days, but in retrospect the break has done me good on many levels both physically and mentally; if this experience resonates with you, perhaps take the time to rest, relax and review your workout routine instead of pushing on and risking injury and feelings on further disengagement with an activity you obviously love and enjoy as much as I do.
Happy lifting
Total reps