As time passes in a relationship, the Narcissist will feed the victim falsehoods about a lack of competence and ability. They will claim to be better then their victim at everything.
If you are involved with a narcissist, he/she will taunt you into believing that you’re not capable of the smallest of tasks, even if you are out of their league professionally and personally.
They will threaten to ruin your reputation and they will often sabotage major events as well as support networks you may have, attempting to turn everyone against you.
They will trample your dreams, your aspirations, your beliefs, your personality, your goals, your profession, your talents, your appearance, your lifestyle – all the while extolling their own.
Their sudden turn, from virtually idolising you to wiping their feet, takes a toll; it is traumatizing, shocking and unexpectedly vicious.
This is because a Narcissist can not stand you “winning” and being better than them at something. To them, everything is a competition and a game that they must win at all costs.
They seek to destroy you in every way possible so that you, in turn, destroy and sabotage yourself – all the while they sit back, relax and watch the unraveling of everything you’ve worked hard for.
A very good description of a narcissist.
Thank you. I have tried to be as clear as possible.