
Fresh Rain and New Perspective

Wednesday, 5.22.19

This morning, I woke up tired. But I had to get up to feed Gumby. I tried to rationalize why I am feeling so tired. I suddenly notice my toenails have white stuff underneath the nail, and one toenail has a little bit of something dark. I google it, and I think I have toenail fungus. So, I decide to google natural treatments and methods. I decided to soak my feet in warm water and epsom salt. I also drank a cup of cold water with apple cider vinegar as well as a cup of detox herbal tea. I also read that tea tree oil is good. I am not sure if I have some. I might be out of it. 

I went up to relax in my bed for a while. At around 4 pm, I noticed it started to rain. The pouring rain sound felt so soothing and relaxing. Gumby also looked cute, sleeping next to me. At 4:44 pm, I decided to get up, where I noticed the street and sidewalk was drenched from the rain. It looks beautiful. 

I need to continue my detoxing to solve this toenail issue, which is probably affecting my health.


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