when testing surfaces, they’re usually applied to spheres. this is because the geometry is pretty inexpensive but still shows off the different heights. since half of these are floors and the rest are panels, I could’ve done the test on cubes but I didn’t…
scifi surfaces – WIP
Alex Ledante
9 Votes
materials testotakuscifisurfacingtest renderWIP
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These look like the sphere from the original Star Wars when Obi Wan was training Luke on the Falcon.
I couldn’t pick one, although I do agree some of them are a bit busy.
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Looking around many good news sites.
I can find lots of obscure things on the net, but good news isn’t my forte
My older sister gave the suggestion to write good news blogs since there are many bloggers who share bad news.
she’s pretty smart, isn’t she?
That is a true statement since good news are better than sad ones.
a position not held by the media