
Recent Paintings for Novemember 2017

Hi Love Art Wonder Readers,

Here I’ve been working on some artwork I’ve been creating in the month of November. I’ve been making sunset art for my room and I wanted to add to the collection with some of these new paintings/Drawings. Below I’ll have the Title of each painting and description. God bless, Hope you enjoy!

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered Psalms 32:1

1. Horse in the Sunset

Sunset Painting of a Horse Silhouette riding in the Sunset

2. God’s Heartbeat Sunset

The heart of God’s love sets beneath the ocean and a sunset sky

3. The Voice of God on many Waters

God in the midst of the ocean stilling our fears and storms in life

4. Rejoicing in the Lord Sunset at Dock

We are meant to rejoice in God always and the sunset beauty at the dock reminds us of his peace.


What do you think?