Im a fan of Tolkein and watched Peter Jacksons trilogy of “Lord of the Rings”. Great effort and liked what he did, a differcult task.
Personally I believe he should have began with , “The Hobbit” but I also watched this series as well and it was well worth a watch.
However, people either love or hate Tolkein. I do believe it always helps to start at the beginning of the tale and then it will make more sense. Start with the Hobbit and then it will reveal itself as you read the story. Start half way and then nothing makes sense.
I did the drawing as a study.
I do not like this genre. But I liked your drawing.
Thanks Elenka, this represents the old fashioned knight in shining armour.
I didn’t see either but your drawing is excellent.
Thanks Carol, glad you like the drawing
I am a fan of both Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter — read all books and watched the movies as well ? my favorite character though was Gollum ?
thanks so much Pixie. I liked both types of movies Lord of the rings and Harry Potter