The lady so lovely
lived in a tower
She only came down
on the 11th Hour
An hour before Noon
her door would unlock
and she had a few hours
to dance in the sun
watching the Clock
One day her fairy godmother
asked if she wanted
to live another wayThe lady replied
give me a shoe
grew under a Tree
Each day it rose higher
with a staircase
and windows
a lot to SeeShe lived there
a week and a month
and a Day
Then happenstance brought
her a grand Knight
he rode down her Way.
The knight saw her Beauty
and knelt to ask
for her hand
He promised to marry her
before his king
in the next magic Land
She waited a month
a week and a Day
Her fairy godmother
flew down to SayMisfortune for you
The kings enemies Slew
your knight in battle
He died in honor
without much Ado
The years flew by
like the blink of an Eye
and the lost children
of many kingdoms
were sent by the Fairy Godmother
to the Big Shoe
under the Biggest Tree
NearbyThe lovely lady
loved the children
and put them
in rooms
under the windows
where the giant Tree Looms
And so here is my Tale
of a lady
so pure it
saddens me to
Tell A Story that Grew
the wonderful old LADY
WHO moved from her tower
and brought blessings
to her adopted children
in a magic giant Shoe.
Attractive message with the light of wisdom in it, John!
To Albert Herdianto Widjojo: thank you for wonderful remarks. One good shoe deserves another.
Pleasure is mine, John. By the way, are you still active in Niume?
Niume folded unexpectedly while my TV and Internet were destroyed by Lighting in Hurricane Harvey and 4 feet of rain where I waded desperate for water. I lost hundreds of poems.
It is unfortunate. I feel sorry, John
Nice post.
Thank you. I wanted to create an original version of Lady and SHOE.