The Color Purple: God Is Trying To Tell You Something
The meaning of the color purple is frequently associated with nobility, royalty, power, luxury, and ambition. The color also represents meanings of extravagance, wealth, wisdom, creativity, magic, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery and independence.While the meaning of the color, is associated with the intrinsic properties of the chakra color purple, Steven Spielberg’s film about Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning story, The Color Purple is most fittingly, I believe, included here. Gosh, can you believe it, the film is 30 years old already! The film, features among several other iconic stars, the often controversial, talk show host, Oprah Winfrey in her debut film role.Here is an excerpt from the film, enjoy…
I couldn’t get you what you mean this…
Hello Witty Feeds, The meaning of the color purple is frequently associated with nobility, royalty, power, luxury, and ambition. The color also represents meanings of extravagance, wealth, wisdom, creativity, magic, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery and independence. From Chakras, we learn that Purple (or white) are the colors of the crown or seventh chakra. These two colors have a powerful connection with spirituality and consciousness.” That fact cannot change, “Purple is however also associated with power, both natural and spiritual.
In healing, purple or white are used for mental disorders and also for becoming one with the Spirit of the Almighty. I have included the Film clip, only because it is a true story, and contains many of its associated qualities, both the good and the bad.
The film has nothing to do with the 7 spiritual chakras!