Despite how bleak things are here, I hope as a unified community we can make the admins act to our issues because they’re hurting the site, and treating us unfavourably such as not letting us know why the dashboard hasn’t been updated.
With that, let me lighten a little bit of frustrations we have against the admin (on most issues) with the photo below.
Oh I don’t let it get to me. I just keep the little things I am able to accomplish in mind and just move forward. Its only so much you can do.
That works better. Start with the little you can then go on to bigger things.
Yes you are right, we have to search for ways to smile when issues come up in life we have no control over. I am struggling with many right now, both on and off line.
But in the meantime we can smile as we get through. Thanks for the link. 🙂
Yes, smiles help even in little ways. I hope things will get better on your side and also on mine.